Murals in Progress


Cabañas Cafe

Cabañas Cafe, 1878 Euclid Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709

“Sacred Land” by Pedro Rivas Lopez

Mural anticipated completion date October 22, 2023


The love for coffee, culture, and resilient roots will vividly be portrayed with this mural. Vibrant colors will tell the story of farmers cultivating coffee and dreams from Mexico to Berkeley California. With love, and respect to all those who are here blossoming from our own resilient roots.


Artist PRL will continue sketching and painting over this doodle grid. The doodle grid is the purple random drawings that help the artist sketch and scale their design on a wall without the usage of the traditional “grid” with straight lines and squares. Soon you will begin to see more of the design pop from this doodle, like the monarch butterflies are already emerging.


East Palo Alto Academy Mural